

The Top Albums Releasing this Week!

By Dan

It's been a quiet few weeks in terms of major music releases but it looks like the dry spell is finally over with some highly anticipated albums from Disturbed, Dr. Dre, Foals, Ghost and more due to drop this Friday!

So in no particular order, here are my Top Albums releasing this week!

Dr. Dre – Compton

I recall the first time I ever heard Dr. Dre on a track. It was 1999, I was 11 years old and han't yet discovered the wonders of Hip Hop. From the moment I heard “Forgot About Dre” I was hooked. Fast forward 16 or so years and Detox still isn't out. It was beginning to seem like the long awaited Dre album was the musical version of Big Foot.

Then out of nowhere, we hear that Dre completely scrapped Detox as he wasn't happy with it. Instead he found inspiration when working on the upcoming N.W.A movie and created an album inspired by his hometown, Compton. The Dr. Dre we see on this album is as confident as ever and is still one of the best in the game when it comes to picking insane beats to back up the complex lyric's on display. Compton is said to be the Doc's last album and he couldn't have picked a more fitting way to end his legacy!

Order your copy of Dr. Dre's Compton today!

Disturbed – Immortalized

Ooh wah ah ah ah! You know what you're in for when it comes to new music from Disturbed. The band has spent years honing their unique sound and are back from a lengthy hiatus for their hugely anticipated new album Immortalized! Right off the bat, this album is clearly the work af a re-invigorated band. The lead single “The Vengeful One”, shows the band doing what they do best, creating catchy melodic rock with dash of anger, dismay and contempt wrapped in an onslaught of face crushing grooves, just the way we like it!

Pick up Disturbed's Im­mortalized now!

The Fratellis – Eyes Wide, Tongue Tied

They say that vertigo is not the fear of falling but the fear of wanting to jump. But Jon Fratelli knows no fear. With Eyes Wide, Tongue Tied the new album by The Fratellis, he and the band have jumped from the precipitous heights that three albums, a Brit Award, four sold-out nights at Brixton Academy and countless sell-out shows around the world took them to. Exuding Zen-like calm Jon has embraced the free-fall, abandoned the baggage and has never got on better with his band mates or enjoyed playing live as much as he does now. And boy, does it show!

Check out The Fratellis' Eyes Wide, Tongue Tied today!

Foals – What Went Down

Foals frontman Yannis Philippakis recently sat down with The Guardian to discuss the new record and said “I distrust contentedness. Though we’re older now, I want people to know we’re not calcified or spent. I would rather kill off the band than slouch into a comfort zone and a paycheck.” One playthrough of the new album and it could not be more clear. This is a band that have found their groove and embraced it whole-heartedly in a flurry of spectacular instrumentals, backed up by some of my favourite vocal work in recent years. Foals have absolutely smashed it out of the park with the new album and I suspect we may see it discussed again later in the year when album of the year discussions start to kick off.

Get your copy of Foals' What Went Down now!

Ghost – Meliora

I'll admit, I'm about 7 years behind and have only just discovered this EPIC band. Ghost are a mystery wrapped up in an enigma. Somehow the Swedish band has managed to keep their real identities under wraps for the entirety of their careers. Looking at them, one would instantly assume their musical style would be far too dark and heavy for the average Rock fan, but surprisingly the new album “Meliora” is instantly accessible and is sure to please fans looking for Metal with a dash of gloomy theatricality. After listening to the album a few times now it's clear that there is still a wealth of musical beauty to unwrap and discover!

Order Ghost's Meliora now!

Let me know what albums are you most looking forward to in the comments below!

From the Music Gorilla

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