
Supplements & Vitamins

Molding a mighty grip

By Talman

One of the most commonly overlooked aspects of training in my opinion is ones grip strength. Grip strength is one area that it when it comes to training it no one seems to have any idea on how to do it, well one place to start is with our Reebok Hand Grips.

Grip strength limits ones ability to lift big weights, especially when it comes to pulling movements like deadlifts and rows, with an increase in grip strength movements like pull ups will also become immeasurably easier too. Grip strength also plays an important role when it comes to handshakes; how often have you gone to shake someone's hand only to be greeted by a slimy dead fish? Everyone appreciates a firm, confident handshake. Arm wrestling? The ultimate test of ones manliness – grip strength.

Ever since I was young I have always been fascinated with my dads strong, rough, calloused hands from all the farm work and manual labour he did, I haven't yet managed to beat him in an arm wrestle, and I'm still inspired by his handshake. If you too can relate to anything I've been saying check out this awesome blog by the guys over at The Art of Manliness and get training your grip now!

Tags: sports and Training

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