

Important change to delivery

By Che

At Mighty Ape we pride ourselves on our ability to deliver the products that you love to your homes as fast as possible for a fair price. We believe that delivering your orders in a timely manner is of the utmost importance and that our fast delivery and convenience are some of the strengths that separate us from our competitors. In order to continue to offer a high-quality service for our customers, we need to make some changes to the way that we charge for delivery.

Over the years our range has expanded massively – gone are the days when everything would fit in a simple courier satchel! This has substantially increased our average freight cost and as a result, the flat rate model for our delivery is no longer viable. Today we've made some changes to our delivery rates that reflect that.

In some cases, rates have gone up, and in other cases rates have gone down, but in every case, the amount you pay is more in-line with what it actually costs to deliver your order.

We understand that this may mean a small increase in delivery cost on some of your orders in future, but we expect that this will be minimal. Rest assured that we remain committed to delivering the same high-quality service that you’ve come to expect from us over the years so that you can continue to shop with confidence from the convenience of your own home.

Below we’ve outlined today’s changes to our delivery fees…

Delivery Still From $6.00

We’ve kept around the trusty $6.00 delivery fee but from today, large items that ship on a more expensive courier ticket will attract a slightly higher delivery charge proportional to the weight and destination of the package.

In the past, an oversized freight surcharge has been charged to cover this. We have eliminated this extra charge to help align our freight prices with what our carriers charge us.

As always you will be presented with the cost of delivery when you reach the delivery stage of the checkout process.

The new charging rates only apply to new orders and will not affect the delivery fees charged on orders placed prior to the change (including pre-orders).

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